Dance- no ones watching! Love- you're not hurt! Sing- no ones listening! Live- heaven is on earth!

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lavender tulips【ツ】
United Kingdom
I'm a complete nutcase & I love it! I've been in a kind of life crisis *shriek* for a little while now, but I believe everything will sort itself =) Visit if you'd like to see recipe's, pictures of food, silly pictures of me and my friends, stories of my travels and general rantings from explosions of my brain cells.
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Wednesday, June 4, 2008


It hurts so much to have your heart broken. Yes, here I go about it again.
I'm a fool. A complete fool. I don't know why I'm stuck here in this moment & can't move on. I hate being in this situation. I'm usuallly quite chirpy & I'm happy...I think. But I'm still heartbroken on the inside and I just don't know what to do!!!!! Help me God. Help me not hurt anymore!!! Help me move on, help me be stronger. I can hear that voice & it'll just tug at my heart. Stupid voice saying annoyingly hurtful things. It'll make me want to cry. But I'll still answer the phone! I'm so stupid! Stupid, stupid S!! Sometimes I want revenge, but that's so unlike me. I know when I feel like that, it's the devil working inside me. Sometimes I want somebody to just understand what I feel like. How much it sucks just feeling like he ripped my heart out, stamped on it, jumped on it, chopped into tiny pieces, sellotaped it together, stuck it back in me & expected it to work again. Sigh. Me is sad :( I need a proper hug so bad! I feel like an awful pathetic love song...

You said you would never hurt me.
You said you would never make me cry.
Well, there’s one thing I can admit.
You tell a perfect lie.

Love is almost like suicide.
You give so much to that special someone,
that you sometimes end up killing yourself inside.

The pain is real even if nobody knows.
I pretend that I’m glad you went away.
These walls are closing more every day
and I’m dying inside.. and nobody knows
it but me. Like a clown, I put on a show.

All I want to do is sleep because it
doesn't hurt when I can't think of you.

I used to smile when I told people
you were mine, but now I can't even
smile and say your name at the same time.

I could really just go on with the rubbish cheesy quotes forever!!!

Life's what happens when you're busy making other plans. But I still believe that everyone should have principles that they stick to in this life. I've been recently re-evaluating my principles 'cuz I thought maybe they were wrong, or too much to ask for. But after a lot of deep thought I've concluded that my self respect is important to me. And any person violating that respect will not have anyting to do with my life. I believe in the integrity of trust & honestly and if someone violates that trust I might even belive in a second chance. But fool me once & shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me! I cannot let anybody walk all over me, over and over again, right? Sigh. Please Lord, show me the way!

I want someone to want me. To love me. To need me. I want that person to respect me. I want them to show me that they love me. Isn't that what you do when you love someone anyway? To express it in words? Is that too much to want...? I'm thinking it isn't. But I just cannot believe when Jess tells me that its okay & that love will come my way. If you'd said that to me when I was 18-19, I would have believed you. At 23, it is a whole different story.

Meh, I'm probably just hormonal. Anyways, I went to the cinema today. It's so good to have my written papers out of they way! Just another OSCE on Monday & I'll be done & ready to spend some quality time with maa.

Thank goodness for orange wednesdays. I saw two movies today. I was really looking forward to Sex and the City, which was awesome! I also saw the new Indiana Jones movie 'cuz my friend does archeology & that was of interest to him. Now that, was an absolutely shite movie. So pointless!!! Don't worry, there's no spoilers in here folks. So you can read on. SATC was a really sweet movie, it wasn't as fast paced as I thought it was going to be, but I liked it just the way it was! Ofcourse the clothes were beautiful, the shoes were to die for! But the part that got me in tears was when Carrie was a little heartbroken as well...I felt so bad for her!! Anyway if I say anything else I might give away valuable plot info, so I'm gonna stop right here.

As you can see, afterwards we got some Nando's. Nothing like a bit of meat to cheer me up I say :) Hahaha! It was the perfect combination. I definately needed a drink with the way I was feeling, and the sangria at Nando's always hits the spot with me. Plus the chicken & the olives were the icing on the cake this evening. Anyhoo, I want to get up early tomorrow to go for a run so its off to bed for me now.

16 is the number of camels in the candyfloss sky:

Anonymous said...

Added you to my blogroll...youers is a spicy interesting read:)

lavender tulips【ツ】 said...

Thank you :)
I quite enjoy your blurry lines too!

satish said...

an awful pathetic love song..hehe

sample this:

yeh pyar kya hai, kaisa nasha hai,
kabhi de sazaa, kabhi de mazaa,
yeh jisko hua..

lavender tulips【ツ】 said...

Yup, awful pathetic love song. I was definately PMS'ing yesterday. I felt so gloomy. Today I feel better. Today I feel like strangling someone =D

Hahaha, hai ram, these cheesy poems are never ending eh? Definately, jisko hua, uski phati.

Ravish said...

Its rocking!!
Yaraa tum ishq to karo,
Ek bar kat gaya to bhi,
Fir se dobara karo,
Kyon ki jo tumhe pehle kia,
Wo shayad ishq nahi tha...;)

Move on..


lavender tulips【ツ】 said...

:) Thanks Ravish. That really helps, to hear it. Nice shayri too...wo shayad ishq nahi tha :)

Anonymous said...

Blurry Lines is all abouut da posts in da post....and its a pleasure to know you like it...

And thanks for blogrollin me :))

lavender tulips【ツ】 said...

No worries :) *hugs*

Anonymous said...


lavender tulips【ツ】 said...

*rents a huge big bear*
*crawls up from behind you & lets the bear loose*

Anonymous said...

m crushed under da bear hug :)

lavender tulips【ツ】 said...

And that was the whole idea. My geniusly evilful plan has succeded! Mua-ha-HA!

Anonymous said...

So whats the evil plan all about babeh ? Was that somethin chickensque or fishy u eatin in the pic ?

lavender tulips【ツ】 said...

Oh no, you did NOT just 'babeh' me.
I hate any version of baby being used around me. Do I look like I'm wearing a diaper?

My evil plan would be to crush you. All of you!
Muaha-HA! =)

I'm such a nut...And if I had a choice, I think I'd like to be a walnut please.

Ummmm, did you even *read* the post before asking me that? It's chicken...

Anonymous said...

Ahh u got pissed big time......chill. point taken not to say the babeh word to you :)

lavender tulips【ツ】 said...

I didn't get pissed...!!! It comes across that way over these stupid words I type ><
If you could have 'heard' my voice, I wasn't pissed.