Dance- no ones watching! Love- you're not hurt! Sing- no ones listening! Live- heaven is on earth!

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lavender tulips【ツ】
United Kingdom
I'm a complete nutcase & I love it! I've been in a kind of life crisis *shriek* for a little while now, but I believe everything will sort itself =) Visit if you'd like to see recipe's, pictures of food, silly pictures of me and my friends, stories of my travels and general rantings from explosions of my brain cells.
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Sunday, August 10, 2008


I like chai. Don't get why some idiots call it chai tea. But I like my cuppa cha. I like making my own usually with some ginger, cardamom and cloves if I have a cold. Or some instant green tea with vanilla and strawberries. Yum! Recently my housemate showed me how to make some very soothing mint tea too. Will show you guys when I make it for myself sometime :)
As I listen to some Tiesto in the background (yeah I'm in that annoying loud trance music phase, it's rare but it happens) I've just come to realize a shocking fact! 41% of you (poll on the top right of the page) think that toilet paper is the one thing you couldn't live a day without! What are you gonna do if you're stuck in a jungle in Brasil? You're gonna have to use leaves people. Leaves and water. Imagine if you were stuck in the Sahara...I shudder to think what you're gonna try and find to wipe your ass! Actually, I don't shudder, it'll be pretty cool to find out ;P
Toilet paper is closely followed by -a-tie-between- 'walking' and 'your teeth'. Hmmm. What if you were stuck on a hijacked plane & obviously couldn't walk...and use toilet paper either (HAHA! suckers) and had to just sit there and shit in your pants? Whatcha gonna do then eh? Huh? And I'm sure people (why isn't that word spelt much cooler is poepel?) that have dentures sometimes go a whole day without their teeth.
In third place for the thing you could not live one day without is another tie between money-shoes-dancing-water-pooping. Which materialistic asses among you voted for money & shoes? Yeesh! I agree with the pooping and aqua part...and dancing, hmmm, well, I definately wouldn't die if I didn't dance at any point during the day. But considering I dance from my bed to my sink when I wake up in the morning (and that's just for starters) I definately would lose some part of me by not dancing every single day...But that's just me.
I'm really interested to see that all 12 of you that voted, wait, all 11. I had one vote. =) Yeah, so all 11 of you that voted, none of you need your car! That's totally awesome! But the romantic that can't go a day without his significant other, or the very cool person who can't live a day without their scissors please reveal yourselves. What in the world were you thinking? :P
On a more exciting note, not that my poll results weren't exciting enough and you've got another 2 days to vote people, my brother and his best friend Craigie-Waigie are coming over to visit me!! Super yay! I've missed my brother, I want to hear all about his Euro trip and mostly I just want to give him a super gigantic bear hug!!!!!!! They're staying at a friends place in London till Tuesday and I am counting down the minutes till I see them both!!
Hopefully I'll be able to drag them both to the new 'Singh is King' being screened in cinema's worldwide!!! Whoot! I need a mindless evenig of Kat's thumka's with wild bollywood music and crazy action from Akki Kumar. I've had my fun filled evening with The Dark Knight some days ago and I must say that movie was brilliant! Plus I was amazed to see a full cinema and we had to watch the movie sitting in the front row! My neck hurt after following them running around the screen for the duration of that movie, but let me say it was so worth it! The Joker was played brilliantly, I have loved him since his 10 things I hate about you days & he's really outdone himself! God rest his soul, I think Mr. Ledger would have been more than ecstatic about how well recieved this movie is...

6 is the number of camels in the candyfloss sky:

Anonymous said...

hey chai, the morning starter.....i love the adrak T in the rainy day and though i cant prepare myself a good tea, getting from my dad or mom is a treat.....

i saw singh is king yesterdat and then dark knight last week, missed starting, so dont kno who was ledger, m ignorant i know.....

clone was really hysterical :)

lavender tulips【ツ】 said...

Heath Ledger was the guy who played the character 'Joker'. The weird clown guy? Like only the most important evil guy in the movie yaar!

Ravish said...

chai peeyo mast jeeyo..;)


bluesky said...

went to sing again...this time for less than 12 hrs, so no clarkey :(

i know its quay :)

lavender tulips【ツ】 said...

Good philosophy Ravish! You should sell that as a jingle to Tetley tea or something, haha! =)

Mr. Blue Sky person...what is your name anyway?!? Hehe, yup it is quay but when you type out 'clarkey' and I read that, I always hear a taxi driver saying it in Singlish. They always go- cluck-key cluck-key. Lol! You travel a lot to Singapore huh? Work related mostly? Less than 12 hours isn't fun...

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, somebody has already sold it to the Tea Board Of India and I crammed it when I saw the ad for the first time..;)
