Dance- no ones watching! Love- you're not hurt! Sing- no ones listening! Live- heaven is on earth!

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lavender tulips【ツ】
United Kingdom
I'm a complete nutcase & I love it! I've been in a kind of life crisis *shriek* for a little while now, but I believe everything will sort itself =) Visit if you'd like to see recipe's, pictures of food, silly pictures of me and my friends, stories of my travels and general rantings from explosions of my brain cells.
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Monday, September 15, 2008


so much to much to just so blah right now!!! why is it so darn hot here!! i cant wait for the winter and for it to cool was mum's bday! i dont think anyone's sure as to how old she is...but happy birthday mummy!!!!!!!!!!!

5 is the number of camels in the candyfloss sky:

--xh-- said...

wow.. b'day wishes 2 ur mom from me.. :)

Nautankey said...

Bday wishes to ur mommy and wake up..waiting to read a looong post next on :)

Rakesh said...

saw ur previous post which said u were moving...abhi still on the move or ..done with it..
all the best for a new start :-)

Ravish said...

Long time ago..A girl used to update her blog. One fine day, she took a deep breath and the blog was never updated again..

I call it a short story. What would you like to call it?


lavender tulips【ツ】 said...

Haha Ravish, you make it all so dramatic! =P I'm back now, khush? :)
XH, Nautankey- thank you for the wishes for my mummy! =) How sweet!
And...Rakesh...I've moved. I'm back in England at the moment to pick up and pack up the final tid-bits of my old stuff and then I'm gone for good! =) I'm scared!!!!