Dance- no ones watching! Love- you're not hurt! Sing- no ones listening! Live- heaven is on earth!

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lavender tulips【ツ】
United Kingdom
I'm a complete nutcase & I love it! I've been in a kind of life crisis *shriek* for a little while now, but I believe everything will sort itself =) Visit if you'd like to see recipe's, pictures of food, silly pictures of me and my friends, stories of my travels and general rantings from explosions of my brain cells.
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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Things on my mind...

Life always has that annoying way of getting to you eh? All of those 'You don't know what you got till its gone' is kicking me in the head right now. No point even asking to go back in time huh? Anyway, as I sit here brooding on my fate I'm really enjoying eating lunch and watching the olympic games. The British are all about their atheletes and have such high hopes for them. There's even this American swimmer who is up for 8 gold medals, no pressure!! I do enjoy watching the winter olympics more...There's something about people gliding on ice in sequins, but this is good fun too. I wish I could spin on bars and balance my body weight on one hand, but that's not happening for a while I guess. I'm jealous of gymnasts! Thin, skinny, flexible gymnasts!!
On another note, why do men hate women drivers? We're not all incompetent idiots on the road, and aren't men worse drivers with all that speeding they get into? I mean, I can get you from A to B in time, even if you're running a bit late. I prefer reverse parking, I can parellel park fine, I don't honk unless there's dire need for it, I don't choke up lanes. I use my head & I drive but still everytime I see something go wrong on the roads my dad has to say- I bet its a woman driving. Men, why must you continue to put us down? I continue to see dodo's reving their engines at a red light, inching their way forward onto the pedestrian crossing even though we've got more than a couple of seconds to go for the green light & I'm assuming it's got something to do with their ego's but you don't see women dissing men drivers? I don't care if you think me boring, but it IS unsafe to have loud music blaring in your car, you can't hear anyone honking at you & I've seen people block up lanes with ambulances behind them 'cuz they couldn't hear the sirens! None of those drivers happened to be female =P
Before I go off in a rant about which is the better sex, let me deviate your attention to something that's been bugging me for a while. Which came first? Stools or chairs? I mean obviously man sat on a stump on a tree or a rock, or something, and that idea evolved into a 'stool'. But maybe man rested against a tree stump or rock, or like in a cave or something, and realized a chair would be a handy thing to have around! I mean did people first invent chairs and thought it'll be kinda cool to have a stool to rest their feet on, or have their slaves sit on. Or did man first make a stool, and then think, hang on a second, this would be much more comfortable if it had a back rest, and hence the stool evolved into the chair. And you thought the chicken or the egg mystery was bad enough.

13 is the number of camels in the candyfloss sky:

Anonymous said...

plz giv me ur phone number

lavender tulips【ツ】 said...

YAY!!! my first stalkerish comment!! =)

bluesky said...

I dont even drive :)


plz give me ur phone number...why have 1 when you can have 2, is my motto :D

bluesky said...

I dont even drive :)


plz give me ur phone number...why have 1 when you can have 2, is my motto :D

bluesky said...

I dont even drive :)


plz give me ur phone number...why have 1 when you can have 2, is my motto :D

bluesky said...

...and why do you have this irritating approval system?

lavender tulips【ツ】 said...

You don't drive?! How old are you! I absolutely love to drive...Wait, you don't drive 'cuz you have a lambi si gaddi that is chauffer driven? 'Cuz all of this is very important to determine if you do or do not get my phone number =)
And I have an irritating approval system 'cuz I like approving stuff!! Makes me feel like something in life is directly under my control, plus I always sit in anticipation to see whether I actually have comment to moderate everytime I check Blogger. You might thing it sad, but these are my choti choti khushiyan =)

lavender tulips【ツ】 said...

Oh and I'd love another stalker ;P Welcome aboard! Hehe!

bluesky said...

actually i DONT have a gaddi-there goes the chance of getting the number :)

but the good part is that i live only 7 min away from work :) thats a bigger luxury than lambi-est gaddi, in bombay at least...have you ever been here?

bluesky said...

...btw, in case you are wondering...'why have one when you can have 2' referred to 2 stalkers instead of 1 :)

lavender tulips【ツ】 said...

Hey there,
I don't have a gaddi either. No need when I too live only a couple of minutes away from work =) And from what I've heard of Bbay, that really IS handy.
I have been to 'Mumbai' once. =P It was a very long time ago though! I was 10, and I got my ears pierced there :) Or well, my aunt took me to the jewellers and got it done and it annoyed the hell out of my dad, lol! Haha, that was good actually! FYI, i recently got another piercing on my ear, how brave am I?! =) (Big deal for me this, as you can tell =) hehe)
Oh and I understood what you meant by the 'why have one when you can have 2' which is why I responded with the 'Oh and I'd love another stalker ;P Welcome aboard!'
How've you been bluesky? =)

bluesky said...

second piersing not visible in any of those pics :) first piercing and second one within two years, awesome-ly brave:)

rakhis for desi men in general!! you better hide...hit squads on the way :)

lavender tulips【ツ】 said...

Oh my gosh, I don't even know from which post have you read what and what are you commenting about?!?! I'm so confused A!!
Oh and I got my first piercing when I was in Bombay actually, for the first and only time =) and my aunt got it done at some random jewellers and this is when I was like 10. I got my second piercing done at 23, so there was more than just a two year gap, but I've just got a third one done too! I'll put pictures up on a 'fresh' post. =)
And what's this about a hit squad?!? What have I said now?!?!!