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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Where was I when the fastest man in the world was making a new world record?

I was watching him!! Haha! I can't believe that I'm gonna say that he didn't do as well as he could, well, 'cuz he set a new world record! But I'm sure his personal best was better than what he did do!! I mean you could see him looking into the crowds and just cheering (and slowing down a little) even when he was like 10 meters away from the finish line. But he certainly made the mens 100 meter finals at the 2008 olympics something I'll always remember & I'm sure every Jamaican is just so so proud right now! Usain Bolt ran 100 meters in 9.69 seconds, a minute less than I would have certainly taken. He did have a previous record, but check out 'Lighting Bolt' in action as he literally jogs to the finish.

I also saw some Indian women runners, and I have to say the Indians are looking pretty good! By the way, happy Independence Day people! =) T'was yesterday I know, but I figured everyone would be wishing each other so I just decided to do it today. And a happy Rakhi to all my brother's out there and all our desi men in general! Here's me and my brother with the Rakhi I gave him! =) (Oh he might kill me when he sees this pic, but what the hell!)

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0 is the number of camels in the candyfloss sky: