I need a cuddle! I miss my mom so much right now, she'll be here in a fortnight once I get exams out the way. But I still do miss her a whole lot! Cuddling her is so soft and warm I just always get the fuzzies. =) I'm still heartbroken this morning...but I've just been *shockgaspingshock* 'cuz I've spent £133.24 DHL'ing documents to Nairobi for my housemate! Can you believe it! See I don't get this, I always tell people to plan plan plan before they leave for a trip as big as a post-exam-3-week-recluse-climbing-mount-kilimanjaro. But Coco and Squid didn't listen. From their malaria tablets to sending Coco's sister documents for her british visa so she can come to Coco's graduation hs all come on to my very responsible shoulders (NOT! *smirks*) and I hope I've done the job right. Coco's a real dear friend of mine. We'll all lived together for 3 years now and 310 is most definately home to all of us. I really want her sister to make it to Coco's graduation (she's topped her year & I'm very proud of her) 'cuz I know it means the world to have her family here for such an important day. Which reminds me, I must ask them if they've ordered their robes and things too. See people always call me the worrier, but it's all good now isn't it...When others forget to do stuff. Hah!
I guess I'd just like to be appreciated for things I do...
Any-hoot! I came across Amitabh Bachan & Aamir Khan's blog today. See I swapped my old laptop with my dad and now am the proud owner of a hot hot vaio. I hadn't changed the home page my dad had on here, of India Times and I came across some news about Big B badmouthing SRK on his blog. From there I also discovered why this man thinks 'Why angry old men shoudn't blog' which made for very entertaining reading. I must remember to send these links to my mum. She's going to love these celebrity blogs, they certainly do make up some really enjoyable reading.
For now I'm gonna make myself some enjoyable reading, for like 10 years from now!
1. Slept naked? Not in a couple of days.
2. Taken a shower with someone? Check.
3. Kissed a member of the same sex? No, but I want to! =)
4. Drove a car faster than you should have? No, never.
6. Been in love? Double check.
7. Been dumped? Yes, unfortunately.
8. Stolen money from a friend/family member? I stole $10 out of my mum's wallet in Year 11. But I felt so guilty I told her about it the next day with a huge flood of tears & she forgave me...which made me feel even MORE guilty.
9. Eaten something that you regret? Wasabi! I was on a plane to LA via Tokya in '01, lunch was a 5 course meal and I didn't opt out of a course of japanese noodles with wasabi!! The first time I ate it, it stung SO BAD! I can now tolerate it in small doses. 10. Ever put lemon in your hair? I have rubbed it in once, yes. Apparently it helps with a flaky scalp but I just smelt citrussy after.
11. Been to more than 7 different countries? Yup. My dad's a pilot. We travel a lot.
12. Ever caught a butterfly? No, that's cruel! My brother is a lepidophobic though. I've always thought that's SO weird. 13. Ever caught a wild animal? I've seen 'em in a Kenyan safari, no wait that doesn't count. Umm, I stumbled across a baby cobra when I was 10. I'd been camping with my brother and a friend but some Indian army men we're around and they smashed its head in with a brick. Then my friend told me horrible stories about how its mother was gonna come at us for revenge. I've been an ophidophobe since! 17. Had a crush on your neighbour? Nope. My neighbours we're never applicable for crushes.
18. Ditched school to do something more fun? Well, we we're on a Geography day trip in Grade 12 & after a very boring lecture at some agricultural authority of Singapore or something me & a friend lied to our tutor saying we had to do some field research so we had to scram, but really we went to see O. Josh Hartnett was such a heart throb!
19. Slept in a bed with a member of the opposite sex? Yup. Ste bags stayed over the other day after a heart to heart. He broke up with T. =(
20. Lost a friend? No, thank god!
21. Been on a plane? Haha, yes I have.
22. Been to an island? Done!
23. Slept in until 3? And sometimes later, yes.
24. Love someone or miss someone right now? Most definately.
25. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? Aaah yes, I miss those times I would go cyclying in Singapore.
26. Made a snow angel? Haha, yes!! It didn't snow very well this year, but I have!
27. Played dress up? Of course! And as an adult, halloween is the best chance to do so!
28. Cheated while playing a game? Oh totally!
29. Been lonely? Yeah, kinda.
30. Kissed more than 4 people in one night? Lol, I wish! Nope.
33. Touched a snake? Ophidophobe, remember??!
34. Ran a red light? Nooo!
35. Been suspended from school? Nope.
36. Had detention? Never.
37. Been in a car accident? Ugh yes, with Squid and I don't want to think about it. We're so lucky to be alive!
38. Had a party in your house while your parents were away? Nuh-uh.
39. Used a fake id? They have fake ones??!
40. Crawled through a window? Haha! My bathroom window, yes!! Aaah, good old student halls.
41. Been lost? Atleast twice a day.
42. Been to the opposite side of the country? Country & gobe. Yes.
44. Cried yourself to sleep? Sadly...uh huh...I have...
45. Smoked a cigar? Eww, no.
47. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? Not really, I can't think of anything.
48. Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? On my 16th birthday & I remember that one pretty clearly. I had orange juice all over me!
49. Caught a snowflake on your tongue?! It's the first thing I do when I see its snowing outside!
50. Kissed in the rain? Not yet, but I would love to. Water has such an odd way of making things so sensual.
51. Sang in the shower? Every morning, every night.
52. Made love in a park? Ugh, why do people do tha!
53. Had a dream that you married someone? Yeah, sure I have.
54. Glued your hand to something? *Nods* AND I stapled myself once. It hurts.
55. Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole? I'm surprised that I haven't actually, its so something I could see myself doing.
56. Ever gone to work partially naked? That would be pretty unprofessional. Unless patients are into that kinda thing. I know the nurses's outfit is pretty popular with men. I'm not so sure about doctors.
57. Been a cheerleader? I should have!
58. Had more than ten boy/girl friends? Nope.
59. Didn't take a shower for a week? Never.
60. Ever too scared to watch scary movies alone? No, I'm a wuss!
61. Played chicken? Yes? No? I don't know?!
62. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? Yes, grrr, by my brother. It's always him who does it. And one time I was wearing white cotton shorts so you could see EVERYTHING when they got wet!!
63. Been told you're hot by a complete stranger? A couple of times in clubs, people have tapped me on the shoulder and said I look really nice or my outfit's really hot. I was very flattered 'cuz they didn't seem drunk or anything & didn't sleaze & ask for my number.
64. Broken a bone? Yes & no.
65. Been easily amused? I am all the time =)
66. Laugh so hard you cry? Hahahahahahahahaha *tears up* ...yes!
67. Mooned/flashed someone? I haven't the balls! I wish I did.
68. Cheated on a test? and gotten caught...7th grade Sanskrit. Geez.
69. Forgotten someone's name? Sometimes, but I'm usually good with names.
71. Done something dumb while drunk? And have photographic proof...
75. Gone to a late night movie? In Singapore yeah, like the midnight shows and stuff.
76. Made love to anything not human? Is this a trick question? *confused* Erm, no.
77. Failed a class? Yup.
78. Choked on something you're not supposed eat? A coin when I was 4, I dunno why I still remember that.
79. Smoked pot? In first year the guy who lived under me dealt, so if I opened my window any time of day I could smell pot.
80. Cheated on a girl/boyfriend? Never have, never would.
81. Celebrate the 4th of July? I live in England. The 4th of July is like the points they get in 'Whos line is it anyway'.
82. Thrown strange objects? Sure.
83. Felt like killing someone? Oooooooh, yes.
84. Thought about running away? Sigh, yeah. But where would I go?
86. Got a piercing? Just my ear lobes, but I do want more.
87. Cut your own hair? I regularly trim my fringe.
89. Made a parent cry? Yeah...*ashamed*. You know I'm not scared anymore of mum getting angry at me, I just never want to disappoint her.
90. Cried over someone? Oh yeah.
91. Owned more than 5 sharpies? I do have a wide collection of colourful pens. But no sharpies.
92. Dated someone more than once? No.
93. Had/Have a dog? I'm scared of dogs!! Ugh, they lick you. Slimy! And their fur gets everywhere & makes me itch!
94. Have an iPod? No, what useless things.
95. Smoked a cigarette? Yeah.
96. Been in a band? Yeap, I played flute. It was very rocker cool.
97. Drank 25 sodas in a day? I don't drink fizzy drinks.
98. Broken a CD? I did try once, its really hard!
99. Shot a gun? At balloons, yeah. I'm pretty good!
100. Wanted someone but could never have them? Nope.