Dance- no ones watching! Love- you're not hurt! Sing- no ones listening! Live- heaven is on earth!

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lavender tulips【ツ】
United Kingdom
I'm a complete nutcase & I love it! I've been in a kind of life crisis *shriek* for a little while now, but I believe everything will sort itself =) Visit if you'd like to see recipe's, pictures of food, silly pictures of me and my friends, stories of my travels and general rantings from explosions of my brain cells.
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Monday, July 14, 2008


My brother is awesome =)
I absolutely love him! He's 5 years 5 months 5 days younger to me (we only discovered this 2 summers ago) and I swear we should have been twins! We've both got this kooky tooth on our lower jaw and this chipped toe nail on our right foot. For some reason (might have something to do with him being seriously taller than me and possesing a whole lot of facial hair) people think we're "boyfriend-girlfriend". =) It never ceases to make u smile! From dope dealers, to people working in starbucks, strangers have always thought we were dating. Mick has always looked years older. He's looked 21 since he was about 14...and he's always gotten a lot of attention from the ladies. Hahaha, I'm so overprotective of him, I always blurt out his real age & the fact that I'm his older sister everytime some chick comes over to talk to him! Lol...
He's had his phases as any teenager does and it's been an absolute pleasure being his older sister till now. We've had so many brilliantly funny moments, we snort our drinks out of our nose everytime we talk about them, even now! And last week as he got his IB results and graduated high school I couldn't help feeling just a little proud. He's 18 next month, but he'll always be my baby. I remember when he shat on my frock during his naming ceremony when he was just a couple of weeks old! =)
He spends atleast an hour a day on Wikipedia & is so much more cultured than me. Sometimes I get so annoyed about living in Liverpool and everytime he comes here he shows me the city I live in, through his eyes and I love it so much more! He's always telling me to count my blessings and never forget how lucky I am...sigh, I absolutely love him! He's currently on an euro-trip, the lucky bum. But it's his super expensive graduation/birthday present from my dad and I know he's enjoying it like a lemur on cannabis. So Mick, as you're cooking dinner in your serviced apartment in Amsterdam, please know that I dote on you like crazy! Thank you for being such an awesome bro, I heart you!

4 is the number of camels in the candyfloss sky:

Anonymous said...

I hope, u shall like it.


Anonymous said...

hey tulip how u doing? i wud love to see you on my blog

lavender tulips【ツ】 said...

Ravish thank you for that!! =) =)
I loved reading that, I just bought some sunscreen yesterday actually ;) and I read it out to my friends you giggled at the right places implying they enjoyed the listen too. God bless you always!

Buzzz, I'll be right over :)

lavender tulips【ツ】 said...

Oh and apart from being a little lazy and feeling a whole lot nostalgic, I'm doing okay. Thanks for asking Buzz :)
Plus I think I'm feeling a little lost for love, but I'm always feeling that so oh well!