Dance- no ones watching! Love- you're not hurt! Sing- no ones listening! Live- heaven is on earth!

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lavender tulips【ツ】
United Kingdom
I'm a complete nutcase & I love it! I've been in a kind of life crisis *shriek* for a little while now, but I believe everything will sort itself =) Visit if you'd like to see recipe's, pictures of food, silly pictures of me and my friends, stories of my travels and general rantings from explosions of my brain cells.
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Monday, June 2, 2008

My eyes, Sushi recipe, something about a manicure & odd friendships.

So much to say, so little space on Blogger :) My mind is just whizzing right now. Actually it's pretty tired too, 'cuz I'm still sick & I need sleep. Right, another thing- why isn't anyone actually taking part in my poll??! Is it 'cuz its boringly medical & its not about Britney Spears' pregnancy test or Paris Hilton's thong? 'Cuz if that's the reason you gotta let me know, I'm very accommodating (how many c's & how many m's?!? Eek! I can't spell), I can change it if you like.

This morning as I ran out the door with yoghurt in one hand, talking to my mum on the phone, tripping over books and my charger cable, I stopped briefly to slap some make up on my face. Partly because I looked like death itself & I really didn't want little kids pointing at me againin horrow. The only thing that I could grab was some eye liner/kajal so I put some on. Thats when I saw them again. (Well _obviously_) But yeah...where was I? Oh yeah, my eyes! I saw my eyes. People have always said I've got nice eyes. (Thank you people). It's on my top 4 list of what I like about my body (along with my hair, my nails & my ankles- apparently I have thin ankles & not cankles, which is an expression I was shocked to discover a couple of years ago). But getting back to my eyes. Yeap, love 'em. Eyes are definately the way to one's soul. And I know that when I smile, when I'm truly happy, my eyes smile too =) *awwwwwwwwwww moment!*

Okay so that's not the nicest picture of my eyes, but it was the only one I could find. Whatever. Next yummy topic- Sushi!!! So incredibly easy to make!!

  • Boil some sushi rice & keep aside to cool.
  • Pick the stuffing that you want to wrap (eg. cucumber, peppers, salmon, tuna, prawn- see I stuck vegetarian stuff in there too! =P ) and chop in tiny pieces.
  • On your rolling mat place a sheet of seaweed that you're gonna wrap the ingredients in.
  • Smoothen a layer of rice halfway on the seaweed sheet, place the ingredients in the center of the layer of rice & gently but tightly wrap the rice with the aid of the mat.
  • Fasten the end bit of the seaweed sheet by moistening with a touch of water.
  • Cool your sushi in the fridge for 3 hours before cutting into desired slices with a moist knife. Enjoy!

My yummy lunch from this afternoon.

Another thing thats on my mind right now are my nails. Like my fingernails. I've never ever been able to grow them long and usually when I trim them they look so short & stubby. Ugly, ugh! In junior school my mum cut 'em for me 'cuz you weren't supposed to have them long apparently. In midde school I started karate lessons and for all those years I wasn't allowed to have them long 'cuz you can hurt people while sparring. Yeah sure, what the heck does karate teach us to do anyway??! When I shared that opinion with my sensai, boy did I get in trouble. Finally in high school I had to endure my dad's opinions on my 'jangali naakhoon' and keep them short because it's practical. Ummm, I was in high school- practical wasn't in my vocabulary back then. Hell, it isn't even now! What does the term 'practical' refer to anyhoo?! When I escaped to university I rejoiced in finally being able to have my nails long. I had such fantasmic images of bonding with girl friends while chatting over manicures, so Legally Blonde-esq. Then I did a double turn and I realised I was studying medicine. Keep your nails short, all our clinical guidelines yelled. I agreed once again to cut my nails. This time I also did it a little bit willingly 'cuz you really don't want your gloves to rip because of your long nails while you perform a vaginal, or even worse a rectal exam on someone. My hands have been places & seen so much!

But, I have been sick for almost three weeks now & for Becky & Peter's wedding over the weekend, my nails had grown enough to deserve a well earned manicure. And so I did. =) I polished & buffed, shaped & painted and I love the way they look now.

Ahem, please also notice the very gorgeous diamond...I love that ring!!! =)

And lastly, today I spoke to an old friend. He sent me an old old video he had of me, that I'd forgotten about & it was all good. =) I have the weirdest friends in the weirdest places. All my good friends have nothing in common with me, we love sharing all out craziness with each other & sometimes go with the other's flow to just enjoy what the person likes to enjoy. Exactly like this picture.

All odd friendships. (I represent the pigeon by the way, all by buddies are the cute little chimp. Wait, he is kinda cute. On second thought- I'm the chimp! Except it's a she-chimp now.)
Me & Jess. She's the over achieving, hard working, goody good christian.
Me & Susu. He's a lawyer, with a flair for the English language & loves to diss everyone every chance he gets.
Me & Mick. My alternative grunge lovin' baby brother who can bore me to death with his Jungian/Freudian (whatever's cool this week) theories that I could never give a crap about.
Me & Coco. The geek, the engineer, the ardent christian & painter.
Me & Ste. The scouse musician/lawyer who wants to buy property in Azerbajan with a love for history (puke!). He should be president of the States!
Me & mum. The amazingly strong woman with such honest principles, a gentle loving demeanor & faith in Sikhism.
Me & Sunny. The womanizing charmer, with a huge business funda and a 7 digit salary.
Me & Vik. The mechatronics freak who would have difficulty picking between a basketball & a robot for a date. He'd probably pick them both over sex to be honest.
Me & Squid. The girly girl, so dedicated to her fiance, bhukhi all the time but never putting on an ounce of weight!!!

All these people, so different from me. I love that you're my friends. You're more actually, you're family. (My mum & brother toh literally na.) Thank you for being my angels & having me in your lives. I love you all!!

16 is the number of camels in the candyfloss sky:

Ravish said...

Daktar Saab..U look more worried about your gloves than the places where your hands wander without interruptions. Your patients might get hurt.

It looks like that you have got a penchant for cooking but, unfortunately, you don't believe in cooking something for the poor vegetarians.

In the end, friends can't be alike. It is the degree of opposition that decides the degree of cohesiveness between two people.


Debonair said...

Hey S,
yeah that poll REALLLLLY needs a change! So I see you have a Vaio, right? ... was there a diamond somewhere in that pic ? :P ...
well you guessed my bro's name right (told you it was a cakewalk :D)
i asked my sis the same thing : "why dyu wanna kill yourself saving other people's lives?" she said she likes studying!
thanx for the TCK funda ... i m sure im gonna add a lot to my vocabulary reading your rants :D keep at it !

satish said...

arz kiya hai..

Yeh aankhein mazboor itna kar jaayengi.
Dil ko tarsayengi, dil ko tadpaayengi.
Yeh kar dengi diwana, koi inko na batlana.
Ki inhe dekh ke pee rahe hain sabhi.


lavender tulips【ツ】 said...

Ravish: In the end, friends can't be alike. It is the degree of opposition that decides the degree of cohesiveness between two people.
That is the smartest thing I've heard in the last 36 hours! =)
*gasp* *shock* *horror* You wan't me to cook something veggie?? Eeeks! Lol, no only kidding. Will definately think of some yummy stuff- strictly veggie just for you. How about that?
And *knock on wood* I haven't done anything detrimental to a patient's health yet. I know eventually I might kill one, lets see =)

Hey Jithie,
Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Thanks for your honestly, I'll think of somethng quirky and change it asap. Maybe I should talk to your sister sometime & talk some sense into her...

Satish, for someone who hinted at God jacking off on his blog (I'm never looking at snow the same way now!!!) that's some really deep shayari. Is that your own stuff, 'cuz its really good!! It made me go all 'awwwww' and mushy. =) Thank you!!

lavender tulips【ツ】 said...

Hahahaha, Satish, I know thats some brilliant shayari (everyone, together now- vah vah!!) but I still can't stop giggling at the word 'pee' on the last line!! =)

lavender tulips【ツ】 said...

Hey Jithun,
Yeap I have a cute little tiny Vaio. *strokes it* My pet.
Dude, how could you miss the diamond??! Big bling bling =P ;)
Anyway, I've thought of some fairly shallow idea's for my next poll that I know will be pretty popular with you, but has gone on holiday I think, no idea why it won't let me log onto my account & edit/post stuff. Some server problem, or that's what it says!! I hope it fixes itself soon!
Much love :)

Debonair said...

Yoyoyo new poll! And it's a big coincidence (I think) that my elder bro does exactly the same thing, and not just with his dates, but with me too !! But I forgive him ..... for he's a dentist - he probably counts his date's teeth while she smiles :D

lavender tulips【ツ】 said...

Well you asked for a new poll! This is a you demand, I supply blog =)
He's a dentist??! Hahahahahahahaha!! Okay, this is a saying we have in out med school so don't blame me for it! But we think dentists are just health professionals who failed to get into med school. Lol.
Our school song is 'All engineers are born illegitimate' so try not to take the comments to heart!

Ravish said...

I shall wait for the veggie stuff. Thanks for considering us vegetarians...;)


lavender tulips【ツ】 said...

You'll get budha waiting Ravish! Only joking! ;) I've got some ideas, will deffo get around to them this week. Have a good one!

satish said...

hehe. inhe dekhkar pee rahe hain sabhi!

Its been taken from i-dont-know-which-movie starring rajesh khanna and hopefully mumtaz. i cant even remember the mukhda of this song.

(I'm never looking at snow the same way now!!!)

Neither would I.

lavender tulips【ツ】 said...

Its from a movie? And here I was all impressed thinking you made it up, all on your own!

Debonair said...

Law of the world : u dont ask, they dont tell :P

lavender tulips【ツ】 said...

Deep! =P

Anonymous said...

I noticed your laptop, the slick lookin mouse with lights, and that you were using Internet Explorer to view your blog and not Firefox.
Sad, I know! Is that too geeky?

lavender tulips【ツ】 said...

Not at all =) I don't know what the hype is about Firefox anyway. My flatmates have tried to covert me, but I couldn't care less. Well I probably could. Haha! And my mouse is rather slick, isn't it! It's very cute-sy.