Dance- no ones watching! Love- you're not hurt! Sing- no ones listening! Live- heaven is on earth!

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lavender tulips【ツ】
United Kingdom
I'm a complete nutcase & I love it! I've been in a kind of life crisis *shriek* for a little while now, but I believe everything will sort itself =) Visit if you'd like to see recipe's, pictures of food, silly pictures of me and my friends, stories of my travels and general rantings from explosions of my brain cells.
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Friday, June 6, 2008

I'm happy duh-lappie =)

Coco & Squid are back from Kilimanjaro (with pressies!) next week, mum's gonna be here next week (with more pressies!!), I'll finish my OSCE next week (no more exams!!!), my Avon order will be here next week & I am just one happy walnut right now :) Plus I'm going to Kimos for dinner tomorrow night & I can't wait to have my usual meaty calzone pizza!!!! Yum, yum, yum! It's a going away do for Tracy, she's going back to HK, so we've all got to look good! Wonder what I'll wear...Anyway, another reason why I'm high right now is probably 'cuz I got another phone!!! I love new phones, all phones in general actually!! It's a brilliant deal, all thanks to D. An awesome new Nokia! Whoot! I can't wait to d/l some funky ringtones on it, any suggestions for any good new songs?

Slept over at D's last night & we had the most amazing chatpatte chole! Spicy & tangy, just the way I like it. It was perfect. Once a month I definately up my game on the spice level. I don't understand why my body craves spicy tangy food at that time of the month, Sunny's already commented that I act like a weird pregnant woman. But hey! That's just the way I am sometimes! I've eaten a whole bar of dairy milk in the last 36 hours...I'm a monster! =) Anything to stop thinking about the pain I'm in right now!!! ><

Anyway, I was playing around with my camera at D's last night & I don't think I'v ever seen my eyes look so brown! I love it! I've always been fascinated with brown eyes. I think they're so brilliantly puppy dog-esq & I could swim in them. So much so that I even ordered a pair of honey brown contact lenses 2 years ago. Except I discovered I'm absolutely rubbish at putting contact lenses on. After nearly an hour of poking my eyes out, I did totally give up. I think I've worn them a couple of times at random occasions, but they made my eyes burn & sting. Anyone know why that is? I did take good care of them & wash them with contact solution regularly! And how are you supposed to know which side of a contact lens is the right side??! I really want to get some more now, but they seem like too much effort. If anyone's an expert on them, let me know.

I'm having real trouble with my new powerless glasses as well. I can't really blink when I'm wearing them, 'cuz my eye lashes get squashed on them. But, I did get some funky pictures with them on. I just couldn't blink while taking 'em.

I even spoke to mum over the webcam today & I wore my glasses to see if she'd notice I was wearing them & she didn't for a whole 10 minutes!!! She was more interested in some stupid Indian soap called 'Betiyaan' or something. Can you believe it? She picked to watch TV over talking to her own child!!! Hmpf, women. Anyway, my dad was home after a flight (he either had just operated a quick return to KL, or was back from LA/Shanghai...I wasn't really paying attention) and he was making chutney (because I was paying more attention to the chutney he was making!). Khatte aam ki chutey. I told him to send whole load of it with mum next week! Dad is an AWESOME cook! He makes a really mean fish curry, lamb curry, prawn curry- I LOVE IT! The only thing that mum probably makes better than him (is vegetarian food 'cuz she's not a big meat eater) is bhadta. And I love mom's bhadta. When I'm back in Singapore I tell my maid to make baingan (eggplant/aubergine) everyday! It's the one thing I could absolutely commit a crime for. I love masala baingan, aloo baingan, bhadva baingan, khatte baingan, bhadta...just any form of baingan!!!!!!!!! It's my only favourite vegetable! And I can't wait for mum to come & cook it for me here. Anyway, before I drown my laptop in my saliva, I'm gonna run...and play with my new phone in between some revision.

4 is the number of camels in the candyfloss sky:

satish said...


haay haay, yeh nigahein.
kar de sharabi jise chahein, jise chahein.
main toh bhool gaya rahein.

i know.

lavender tulips【ツ】 said...

Did you write that? :)
And what does 'rahein' mean? Rasta? My hindi is terrible, barely make sense when I speak hindi.
Anyway, its sweet =) Thank you!

satish said...

NOOO! and yes rahein is rasta. i sud have used aa.

anyway, wen i said i know, i assumed that your reaction will be 'LOU ZER!' but seems that i will have to write more of these hindi songs to make you do that.

you are welcome.

lavender tulips【ツ】 said...

No, I like cheesy poetry. What am I saying, I LOVE cheesy poetry!! =)
I would never think it was Lou Zer Ish.
Raahein is a nicer/more romantic word for rasta. The next time you'll be using fancy hindi words, stick the meaning in there as well so I don't have to get someone to translate for me =P