Dance- no ones watching! Love- you're not hurt! Sing- no ones listening! Live- heaven is on earth!

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lavender tulips【ツ】
United Kingdom
I'm a complete nutcase & I love it! I've been in a kind of life crisis *shriek* for a little while now, but I believe everything will sort itself =) Visit if you'd like to see recipe's, pictures of food, silly pictures of me and my friends, stories of my travels and general rantings from explosions of my brain cells.
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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

livin la vida loca *

A friend of mine once dedicated this Ricky Martin song to me...back in 1998 I think. And one particular line sticks out in my head only 'cuz wrote it in my slam book...

"Her lips are devil red and her skin's the color mocha..." & that still makes me smile. =)
There is no cosmetic for beauty like happiness.

0 is the number of camels in the candyfloss sky: